Una irreconocible Melanie Griffith posa para una conocida revista

La ganadora de Globo de Oro habla de su vida en este reportaje 

Melanie Griffith | CORDON PRESS

Lidia Garrido

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La actriz Melanie Griffith ha posado de manera irreconocible para una conocida revista -Instyle- . La ex de Antonio Banderas, de 61 años, aparece con un vestido negro bastante escotado y con un rostro que bastante ha llamado la atención quizá por el maquillaje o algún retoque. Y es que las fotografías llevadas a cabo por Robbie Fimmano, no han dejado indiferente a nadie, puesto que sus rasgos aparecen claramente cambiados

After taking time off to care for her children, Hollywood siren Melanie Griffith is sexy, single, and ready for her next act. But would she try a dating app? “No, Jesus. Tinder or something would just be so tacky, I think,” she told @mhmakesithappen with a smirk. “I think I can find someone on my own. But if you know of anybody, please tell me.” She may be looking for love, but probably not marriage again. “I really don’t think it’s relevant for anyone anymore. But especially if you’re 60 and you have four kids and you’re living the life you’ve always wanted. Then why get married? It’s, like, I would love to fall in love and have a romance, a relationship, but I haven’t. I keep looking. I’ve had a couple of lovers but not a relationship.” More from @MelanieGriffith at the link in bio. I Photographed by @robbiefimmano Una publicación compartida de instylemagazine (@instylemagazine) el 9 Ago, 2018 a las 7:01 PDT

En la entrevista, Melanie habla de la soltería aseguando así que sigue creyendo en el amor pero que no volvería a pasar por el altar: "Me encantaría enamorarme, tener un romance, una relación, pero no lo he hecho. Sigo buscando. He tenido un par de amantes pero no una relación".

Although it’s been three decades since the movie, @MelanieGriffith will always remain Tess from Working Girl: sexy, determined, and a poster child for outmaneuvering misogynist pigs way before the #MeToo era. The issue of toppling the patriarchy remains crazy resonant today. “I knew not to ever let somebody take advantage of me. And I was stupid. I’m not saying any of those girls are stupid, but I was aware of what was possible,” she tells @mhmakesithappen in our September issue. The resilience is still an important quality of hers today. “I was a tough chick. I wouldn’t do something if I didn’t want to do it.” Read her full interview at the link in bio. I Photographed by @robbiefimmano Una publicación compartida de instylemagazine (@instylemagazine) el 9 Ago, 2018 a las 6:32 PDT

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