La canción favorita del cantante malagueño Javier Ojeda

Me llega muy hondo, a lo más importante, que son los sentimientos

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Madrid - Publicado el - Actualizado

2 min lectura

El cantante de Danza Invisible, Javier Ojeda, elige como canción favorita el tema "Caravan" de Van Morrison. 'Es una canción que está muy ligada a mis sentimientos, ligada a ese instante de complicidad con los amigos, de estar escuchando música todos juntos'.

La canción habla de una caravana de gitanos, al aire libre que están disfrutando del placer de bailar, de escuchar música, de compartir la naturaleza. 'En mi caso la naturaleza era un bar, pero eso da igual, lo importante es que todavía me llega a lo más importante, que son los sentimientos'.


And the caravan is on it's way

I can hear the merry gypsies play

Mama mama look at Emma Rose

She's a-playin with the radio

La, la, la, la

And the caravan has all my friends

It will stay with me until the end

Gypsy Robin, Sweet Emma Rose

Tell me everything I need to know

La, la, la

Turn up your radio and let me hear the song

Switch on your electric light

Then we can get down to what is really wrong

I long to hold you tight so I can feel you

Sweet lady of the night I shall reveal you

Turn it up, turn it up, little bit higher radio

Turn it up, turn it up, so you know, radio

La, la, la, la

And the caravan is painted red and white

That means ev'rybody's staying overnight

Barefoot gypsy player round the campfire sing and play

And a woman tells us of her ways

La, la, la, la

Turn up your radio and let me hear the song

Switch on your electric light

Then we can get down to what is really wrong

I long to hold you tight so I can feel you

Sweet lady of the night I shall reveal you

Turn it up, turn it up, little bit higher, radio

Turn it up, that's enough, so you know it's got soul

Radio, radio turn it up, hum

La, la, la, la