La canción favorita de Gabino Diego
El actor se decide por un tema de los Beach Boys

La canción favorita de Gabino Diego
Málaga - Publicado el - Actualizado
1 min lectura
Gabino Diego, ganador del Goya en 1990 a Mejor Actor de Reparto por la película "Ay Carmela", se suma a la nómina de los que ponen el broche musical al programa Buienas Tardes Málaga con el tema "The Warmth Of The Sun" de los Beach Boys.
What good is the dawn
That grows into day
The sunset at night
Or living this way
For I have the warmth of the sun
(Warmth of the sun)
Within me at night
(Within me at night)
The love of my life
She left me one day
I cried when she said
"I don't feel the same way"
Still I have the warmth of the sun
(Warmth of the sun)
Within me tonight
(Within me tonight)
I'll dreams of her arms
And though they're not real
Just like she's still there
The way that I feel
My love's like the warmth of the sun
(Warmth of the sun)
It won't ever die
(It won't ever die)