Conoce a Jasper, el gato sin pelo y sin ojos que ha conquistado las Redes

Debido a unas úlceras corneales, tuvieron que extirparle ambos ojos y las cuencas oculares del animal quedaron completamente desnudas.


Redacción COPE Mallorca

Mallorca - Publicado el - Actualizado

1 min lectura

''La maravilla sin pelo y sin ojos'', así se presenta Jasper en su Instagram. El influencer gatuno cuenta con 85.600 seguidores en esta Red Social.

Este felino tan especial se ha ganado el cariño de los internautas que, además de seguirle, comparten con su dueña dibujos e ilustraciones que ella deja para el recuerdo en sus historias destacadas.

La historia de Jasper

Jasper es un gato esfinge de 12 años. Debido a unas úlceras corneales, tuvieron que extirparle ambos ojos y las cuencas oculares del animal quedaron completamente desnudas. Una imagen que por su ausencia de pelo, se hacen más visibles, ya que lo común es que cuando ocurre algo así en un gato con pelo, el pelaje termine cubriendo esas cuencas y parezca que simplemente tengan los ojos cerrados.

Este gato ha sufrido el virus del herpes felino, ha perdido los ojos por las úlceras y también tuvo un derrame cerebral leve.

A pesar de todo esto, Jasper sigue adelante y se ha ganado el cariño de muchos seguidores que lo consideran adorable y viven su día a día gracias a su dueña Kelli, que comparte tanto en Instagram como en el resto de Redes Sociales numerosos vídeos y fotos de este felino tan especial.

Ver esta publicación en Instagram Momma took me for a meet and greet where daddy works. I got lots of pets, it was nice. ————————————————————————Shop link in the bio! For those who don’t know Jazzy’s story, he was adopted at 2 years old seemingly healthy. After a couple of years he was diagnosed with FHV (feline herpes virus), but at the time all that meant was he was a sniffly boy. Then in November 2013 he got a corneal ulcer in his right eye. It was so bad that removal was the only option. He went on being a happy, healthy, now one eyed kitty. Until September 2018 when he ended up with a corneal ulcer in his remaining eye. Again so bad that removal was the only option. As scary as the news was that Jasper would now be totally blind, he adapted super well. Finally in April 2019 he had a mild stroke. He’s a very happy kitty, who is otherwise extremely healthy. He’s 11 years old, but the vet says there’s no reason to think he won’t live another 10 years. #jazzypurr #blindcat #sphynx #sphynxcat #nakedkitty #sphynxlair #catsofinstagram #catstagram #instacat #cat #kitty #sphynxofinstagram #sphynxstagram #thedailynude #sphynxoftheday #hairlesscat #catsdaily #oddkitty #thedodochef Una publicación compartida de Jasper (@jazzy.purrs) el 7 Ene, 2020 a las 11:09 PST

No gusta a todos

Hay un vídeo en el que parece que a Jasper le gusta que le toquen y rasquen los agujeros que tiene en los ojos. Este momento no ha gustado a todos los usuarios que lo han visto y ha recibido varios insultos por su aspecto. Así era el animal antes de sufrir todas las dolencias:

Ver esta publicación en Instagram Is throwback Thursday still a thing? This is back when I had eyeballs. ————————————————————————Shop link in the bio! For those who don’t know Jazzy’s story, he was adopted at 2 years old seemingly healthy. After a couple of years he was diagnosed with FHV (feline herpes virus), but at the time all that meant was he was a sniffly boy. Then in November 2013 he got a corneal ulcer in his right eye. It was so bad that removal was the only option. He went on being a happy, healthy, now one eyed kitty. Until September 2018 when he ended up with a corneal ulcer in his remaining eye. Again so bad that removal was the only option. As scary as the news was that Jasper would now be totally blind, he adapted super well. Finally in April 2019 he had a mild stroke. It was a terrifying experience trying to figure out what was going on, why he woke me up spinning in circles, but the diagnoses was a relief. The cause is unknown, which is unfortunately common, but it means it wasn’t caused by any of the awful things that we know can cause one. Since then he’s recovered almost 100%, he walks a bit more cautiously and occasionally is unsure of where is is and will meow for help, but otherwise he’s perfect. He’s a very happy kitty, who is otherwise extremely healthy. He’s 12 years old, but the vet says there’s no reason to think he won’t live another 10 years. #jazzypurr #blindcat #sphynx #sphynxcat #nakedkitty #sphynxlair #catsofinstagram #catstagram #instacat #cat #kitty #animals #sphynxofinstagram #sphynxstagram #thedailynude #sphynxoftheday #hairlesscat #catsdaily #oddkitty #thedodo Una publicación compartida de Jasper (@jazzy.purrs) el 26 Mar, 2020 a las 6:19 PDT

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