La canción de hoy de Herrera: ‘All those years ago’ de George Harrison

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Este domingo se cunplen 39 años del asesinato de John Lennon, por eso en la canción del día de ‘Herrera en COPE’ rendimos un pequeño homenaje con la canción de George Harrison, ‘All those years ago'.

“Es la historia de una canción…

George Harrison, bueno no tenía muchas cosas que agradecerle a John Lennon, pero John Lennon estaba enfadado porque nunca había valorado realmente la capacidad de músico que era el muchacho de las gafas redondas.

El caso es que Harrison tenía una canción preparada para Ringo Starr en el año 81, que Ringo no quiso cantar. Desgraciadamente la muerte de John sumió a George Harrison en una tremenda pena y le dedico esta canción ‘All those years ago’ (‘Todos estos años atrás’).

Te mando una oración

En lo profundo de la noche más oscura

Tú fuiste quién lo imagino todo

Todos estos años atrás..."

Letra de la canción ‘All those years ago’

I'm shouting all about love

While they treated you like a dog

When you were the one who had made it so clear

All those years ago

I'm talking all about how to give

They don't act with much honesty

But you point the way to the truth when you say

All you need is love

Living with good and bad

I always looked up to you

Now we're left cold and sad

By someone the devil's best friend

Someone who offended all

We're living in a bad dream

They've forgotten all about mankind

And you were the one they backed up to the wall

All those years ago

You were the one who imagined it all

All those years ago

All those years ago

All those years ago

Deep in the darkest night

I send out a prayer to you

Now in the world of light

Where the spirit free of lies

And all else that we despised

They've forgotten all about God

He's the only reason we exist

Yet you were the one that they said was so weird

All those years ago

You said it all though not many had ears

All those years ago

You had control of our smiles and our tears

All those years ago

All those years ago

All those years ago

All those years ago


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18:00 | 24 oct 2024 | boletin