'Brother Louie' de 'The Stories', la canción del día de 'Herrera en COPE'

La "Canción del día" de este lunes 22 de noviembre está protagonizada por este tema interpretado por 'The Stories"


'Brother Louie' de 'The Stories', la canción del día de 'Herrera en COPE'

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Madrid - Publicado el - Actualizado

1 min lectura

La cancion 'Brother Louie' es una canción sobre una historia de amor interracial entre un hombre blanco y una mujer negra. El tema escrito y cantado por Errol Brown y Tony Wilson del grupo Hot Chocolate fue todo un éxito en Reino Unido en 1973.

La "Canción del día" de este lunes 22 de noviembre está protagonizada por este tema en la versión de 'The Stories"


She was black as the night

Louie was whiter than white

Danger, danger when you taste brown suga'

Louie fell in love overnight

Nothing bad, it was good

Louie had the best girl he could

When he took 'er home

To meet her mama and papa

Louie knew just where he stood

Louie Louie Louie Louie, Louie Louie Lou I

Louie Louie Louie Louie, Louie Louie you're gonna cry

There he stood in the night

Knowing what's wrong from what's right

He took her home to meet his mama and papa

Man, he had a terrible fight

Louie nearly caused a scene

Wishin' it was a dream

Ain't no diff'rence between black and white

Brothers, you know what I mean

Louie Louie Louie Louie, Louie Louie Lou I

Louie Louie Louie Louie, Louie Louie you're gonna cry

Louie Louie Louie Louie, Louie Louie Lou I

Louie Louie Louie Louie, Louie Louie you're gonna cry

Louie Louie Louie Louie, Louie Louie Louie Louie Lou I

Louie Louie Louie Louie, Louie Louie you're gonna cry

Louie Louie Louie Louie, Louie Louie Lou I

Louie Louie Louie Louie

Fuente: LyricFind


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18:00H | 28 FEB 2025 | BOLETÍN