La princesa Marta Luisa de Noruega enamorada de su chamán: "He encontrado a mi alma gemela"

La historia del día en 'Herrera en COPE'


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La princesa Marta Luisa de Noruega, de 47 años, la primogénita de los Reyes Harald V y Sonia, se ha enamorado.

Su nuevo novio es su guía espiritual, el chamán californiano de origen noruego Durek Verret, de 44 años.

“No elijo a mi hombre para satisfacer a ninguno de vosotros”, ha dicho en su cuenta de Instagram.

Ver esta publicación en Instagram When you meet your twin flame, you know. I have been lucky enough to have met mine. @shamandurek has changed my life, like he does with so many. He has made me realize that unconditional love actually exists here on this planet. He embraces all of me without question or fear. He makes me laugh more than anyone, has the most profound wisdom to share and all the bits in between from the diversity of his being. I feel so happy and blessed that he is my boyfriend. Thank you my love, for including me so generously into your family. I love you from this eternity to the next. And to those of you who feel the need to criticize: Hold your horses. It is not up to you to choose for me or to judge me. I don’t choose my man to satisfy any of you or the norms or boxes you have chosen in your mind for me to be in. I don’t thrive there, nor do I exist in your illusion about me. I choose from love. And that’s it. Shaman Durek is merely a man I love spending my time with and who fulfills me. So thank you for respecting my actions and my choice of partner. All I know at this moment is that we love each other and I am super happy. Have a wonderful, loving Sunday and Mother’s Day(for the USA). �� @dhendersonphoto #love #unconditionallove #newlove #boyfriend #inlove Una publicación compartida de Princess Märtha Louise (@princessmarthalouise) el 12 May, 2019 a las 12:52 PDT

Este anuncio se produce tres años después de su divorcio con el escritor de origen danés Ari Behn con el que estuvo casada catorce años y tuvo tres hijos.

El novio de la princesa nórdica se define como “innovador evolutivo, líder del empoderamiento femenino y activista de los derechos humanos”.

Durek sufrió un problema de salud con 30 años que le hizo estar clínicamente muerto. Tras superarlo, comenzó su carrera como líder espiritual y también como actor.

La princesa ha dicho: “Cuando encuentras a tu alma gemela, lo sabes. Y yo he tenido la suerte de haber conocido la mía...Me ha hecho darme cuenta de que el amor incondicional existe en este planeta...Me siento feliz y bendecida”.

Y él ha contestado: “Me siento libre cuando estoy con ella, libre de ser yo y de amar a una mujer que es una luz brillante de sabiduría, profunda gracia e inmensa belleza”.

Ver esta publicación en Instagram There is a grace and beauty about life when you fall in love. Something softens in you that's unspeakable, however felt in the very depth of your soul. Then your eyes see more clearly yourself and everyone else with the same reflection the heart feels. To be loved or not to be loved for I'd rather be loved unconditionally then not to be loved at all. This is what I feel from @princessmarthalouise, pure acceptance of my multidimensional self. Not just the Shaman, however the woman in me, the strong man in me, the little boy, ET, the jaguar, the scientist and the angel and more. All loved by this Goddess, who I honor and worship. Where I can cry in her arms when I'm sad or hurt and laugh about life and its many complexities. A strong woman who lets me be me without judgement or confinement. I'm free when I'm with her, free to be me and love a women who is a bright light of wisdom and profound grace and immense beauty. Happy Mothers Day powerful women of the world. I honor you and your devotion to life. Thank you @dhendersonphoto Una publicación compartida de Shaman Durek (@shamandurek) el 12 May, 2019 a las 12:50 PDT

Entretanto, una música de arpas suena en Palacio.

Esta es la 'Historia del día' en 'Herrera en COPE'.