Everything ready for the Three Wise Men arrival

Spanish kids go to bed hoping to wake up surrounded by presents


Everything ready for the Three Wise Men arrival

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Madrid - Publicado el - Actualizado

1 min lectura

For Spanish kids, January the 5th is a special night. The visit of the Three Wise Men is looked forward all year long, and no kid forgets to leave their shoes near the tree in order to receive their gifts. All over the country, Cavalcades of Magi ride through the streets, and Melchior, Gaspar and Baltasar give out candy for children and for grown ups as well. After the parade, the little ones go to bed early, hoping to get a glance at the Wise Kings -or their camels-, and sometimes even leaving a little glass of milk or some cookies near the shoes so these long-distance travelers can recover forces.

The following morning, kids and adults unwrap their presents while eating a piece of roscón de Reyes, the traditional cake eaten all along Spain on Epiphany day. A day to enjoy with the family which marks the end of Christmas’ celebrations in Spain.