Trump's lawyer admits paying $130k to porn star

The payment was made to ensure Stormy Daniels' silence


Trump's lawyer admits paying $130k to porn star

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Madrid - Publicado el - Actualizado

1 min lectura

Michael D. Cohen, US President's personal attorney, has acknowledged bribing a porn star who had an affair with Trump. Cohen insisted the money was his own and didn't come from the Trump Organization.

He further stated that: "neither the Trump Organization nor the Trump campaign was a party to the transaction with Ms Clifford (Stormy Daniels' real name), and neither reimbursed me for the payment, either directly or indirectly."

In 2011, porn star declared she had a romantic relationship with US President by the time Melania gave birth to Barron, the couple's only child. The Wall Street Journal recovered the story in January. Then, the newspaper reported that Trump's entourage bought her silence before the beginning of the presidential campaign. Since the scandal came to light, Daniels has refused to make any comment on the veracity of the accusations.